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Siggraph 2004 Course Notes For Win.Mac 繪圖教學電子書 英文版【2片裝】
【兩片裝】Siggraph 2004 Course Notes For Win.Mac 繪圖教學電子書 英文版【兩片裝】 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HoneRiSO Apps -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 軟體名稱: Siggraph 2004 Course Notes For Win.Mac 語系版本: 英文版 光碟片數: 兩片裝 保護種類: 無 破解說明: 無 系統支援: Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Unix/Linux/Mac 硬體需求: PC/Mac PC 軟體類型: 繪圖教學電子書 更新日期: 2004.09.01 軟體發行: Siggraph(V.ORTEX) 官方網站: http://www.siggraph.org/s2004/conference/courses/index.php?pageID=conference 中文網站: 無 軟體簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Siggraph 組織每年都會設定一套為期一天的訓練課程,今年的主題是採用魔戒第 三部曲來作範例,在這實際的訓練、展示與清楚的解譯皆是由知名的電腦繪圖專業 人員與互動式的技術來表達 課程章節如下 1. Real-Time Shading 2 . Color Science and Color Appearance Models for CG, HDTV, and D-cinema 3 . Introduction to Computer Graphics 4 . State of the Art in Monte Carlo Global Illumination 5 . Facial Modeling and Animation 6 . Point-Based Computer Graphics 7 . Seeing, Hearing, and Touching: Putting It All Together 8 . Multiple-View Geometry for Image-Based Modeling 9 . Photorealistic Hair Modeling, Animation, and Rendering 10. "Lord of the Rings": The Visual Effects That Brought Middle Earth to the Screen 11. Acting and Drawing for Animation 12. Art-Directed Technology: Anatomy of a "Shrek 2" Sequence 13. High-Dynamic-Range Imaging 14. Collision Detection and Proximity Queries 15. Shape-Based Retrieval and Analysis of 3D Models 16. Performance OpenGL: Platform-Independent Techniques 17. Unconventional Human-Computer Interfaces 18. Commodity-Based Projection VR 19. A Practical Guide to Ray Tracing and Photon Mapping 20. Color in Information Display: Principles, Perception, and Models 21. Introduction to Bayesian Learning 22. Projectors: Advanced Graphics and Vision Techniques 23. There Can Still Be Only One: Independent Animation Production for the Lonely 24. Enhancing Three-Dimensional Vision With Three-Dimensional Sound 25. Developing Augmented Reality Applications 26. Real-Time Shadowing Techniques 27. Level Set and PDE Methods for Computer Graphics 28. Real-Time Volume Graphics 29. An Interactive Introduction to OpenGL Programming 30. Visualizing Geospatial Data 31. The Elements of Nature: Interactive and Realistic Techniques 32. GPGPU: General-Purpose Computation on Graphics Hardware 33. Crowd and Group Animation -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 站長安裝測試環境與安裝說明: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧無 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=